Эльдорадо - каталог товаров. Электроника, цифровая и бытовая.

The other piles of cards are placed above the board and will be placed into the available spots on the market board during play. Player Turns: On a player’s turn they can play all cards from their hand or keep some in hand for their next turn. When playing cards, a player first plays cards used for movement.

Each hex space on the board shows the type requirement to move onto it (machete, paddle, or coin) можно посмотреть как играть в Казино Эльдорадо as well as the amount (“power”). The power value on the card must be equal or higher than the power on the hex. If a player has “leftover” power, they may use it to continue moving.

However, cards can not be combined to move onto a space. For example, a Machete card with power of 2 can be used to move onto a hex with 1 machete and then move again onto a space with 1 machete.

But two cards with a power of 1 each may not be combined to move onto a hex showing 2 machetes. Some grey spaces on the board allow players to discard cards of any type to move onto them. And red Base Camp spaces allow players to remove cards from the game.